This design patterns guides to create a wrap around existing class to reuse existing class for a new requirement.

Assume, I have two logging classes named WriteLogsToLocalFile and WriteLogsToServer.

class WriteLogsToLocalFile
            public void Log(string fileName, string message)
                //write logs to file 

        class WriteLogsToServer
            public void Log(string urL, string message, string token)
                //call rest API with oAuth 
                // Note: here token is used for oAuth

        static void Main(string[] args)
            WriteLogsToLocalFile fileLogs = new WriteLogsToLocalFile();
            fileLogs.Log("hello.xml", "login success");

            WriteLogsToServer serverLogs = new WriteLogsToServer();
            serverLogs.Log("https://server.logs/upload", "login success", "oAuthToken");

Here user is manually creating objects to write logs separately to local file and server.My requirement is to create a common class for logging, so that client can call common class. The common class should blindly recurse through list of loggers to log message.

In below code, a new interface ILog is not compatible with WriteLogsToLocalFile and WriteLogsToServer. We created WriteLogsToServerAdapter and WriteLogsToServerAdapter. Logging is helper class.

        interface ILog
            void Log(string message);

        // this class can not implement interface thus created Adapter
        class WriteLogsToLocalFile
            public void Log(string fileName, string message)
                //write logs to file 

        // this class can not implement interface thus created Adapter
        class WriteLogsToServer
            public void Log(string urL, string message, string token)
                //call rest API with oAuth 
                // Note: here token is used for oAuth

        class WriteLogsToLocalFileAdapter : ILog
            string location;

            WriteLogsToLocalFile fileLog = new WriteLogsToLocalFile();

            public WriteLogsToLocalFileAdapter(string location)
                this.location = location;

            public void Log(string message)
                fileLog.Log(this.location, message);

        class WriteLogsToServerAdapter: ILog
            string oAuthToken;
            string location;
            WriteLogsToServer serverLogs = new WriteLogsToServer();

            public WriteLogsToServerAdapter(string token, string location)
                this.oAuthToken = token;
                this.location = location;

            public void Log(string message)
                serverLogs.Log(this.location, message, this.oAuthToken);

        class Logging
            ILog fileLogs = new WriteLogsToLocalFileAdapter("index.log");
            ILog serverLogs = new WriteLogsToServerAdapter("oAuthToken", "apiPath");

            public void Log(string message)


        static void Main(string[] args)
            Logging logger = new Logging();
            logger.Log("login success");